Magi Nation

Magi-Nation is a Canadian/Korean animated television series based on the card game Magi Nation Duel. The series was co-produced by Daewon Media and Cookie Jar Entertainment, in association with The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The series premiered in Canada on September 8, 2007, on CBC Television and on September 22, 2007 in the U.S. on Kids' WB. A series of DVDs was set to be released from October 21, 2008 through January 6, 2009. The series has formerly aired in the U.S. on Toonzai on The CW, and formerly on Cookie Jar Toons on This TV, with the second season worldwide premiere airing on Cookie Jar Toons.[3] The show was cancelled due to low ratings of the second season. Because of that, the twelve remaining episodes have not been shown on television or been released online to this date. They are lost episodes.

Magi Nation Magi Nation Reviewed by pattarawin on พฤศจิกายน 14, 2560 Rating: 5
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